To The Ends of the Earth?

Well, if I can manage to do LEJoG, then you can do it too.

Get on your bike and do it, its a great experience and well worth doing.

Next summer anyone?

It Was Well earned
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Tuesday, 10 February 2009


Well since the start of February, I've not managed to ride my fixed wheel bike and have only managed to ride 114 miles this month.

2nd February brought heavy snow and no sensible possibility of riding.

Blackfriars Bridge, looking to St Paul's Cathedral past Blackfriars Station

3rd & 4th Feb were snowy or icy and I rode my touring bike, but did nothing more than the shortest commute to work and back ie 25 miles per day. Thursday 5th Feb was a bit better and I managed to get 35 miles in and a couple of laps of Hyde Park. Its great riding in Hyde Park, its such a beautiful place. Friday 6th brought only 17.5 miles as I did not ride home, but got the train up to Grantham and then drove with Jo to Scarborough for the weekend to celebrate her mother's birthday [It was a great night Margaret :-) ]. The journey to Scarborough was enjoyable and memorable. I never took my bike with me, so no riding all weekend.

This week has started off even worse in cycling terms, I rode home against the tide on Monday night but given the rain and standing water, I took the short way home, so only another 12.5 miles. I've never been so wet when I've been out on my bike. It makes me glad I no longer live in Northampton by the river as there must be a serious risk of the park and the house there flooding.

Tuesday brought a 130mile trip down to Canterbury - sadly by car not on the bike. Canterbury Tales? Well those created by Geoffrey Chaucer are more credible than the ones told by the two drug smugglers who are on trial down there. £15 million of cocaine in the lorry? Personal use only?

Now Wednesday is promising another trip to Canterbury, so once again no cycling. I'm also told that next week I will be going up to York on the Wednesday, so again, no cycling that day either.

So it seems that whilst January exceeded my cycling target, February is a damp squib in cycling terms [and meterologically as well]

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