To The Ends of the Earth?

Well, if I can manage to do LEJoG, then you can do it too.

Get on your bike and do it, its a great experience and well worth doing.

Next summer anyone?

It Was Well earned
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Tuesday, 27 January 2009

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday mother - I'll spare you the blushes of revealing how old you are.

I spent the weekend riding on 2 wheels, but this time with an engine. I'd never ridden a motor bike or moped before. [ NOTE to woman from British Consulate in Benidorm - I did not have a motorbike accident in 1987 - unlike what you repeatedly told me when I was in hospital there] I had great fun doing my CBT course. Will I go on to get my full bike licence? That's a challenge for later on in the year. Its difficult to fit in the lessons though as I spend my weekends between here and Nottingham and having lessons means not spending time with Jo. I don't own a motorbike, I commute on my pushbike and don't want to change that. I walk to the shops from my home, have excellent public transport in tubes, buses and trains nearby, so why do I need a motorbike I hear people ask. I don't is the answer, but I want to challenge myself to pass the test.

Well as to my cycling, I have now managed over 500 miles so far this year, just commuting to / from work and am trying to increase my round trip commute to a minimum of 30 miles a day and preferably 40+miles. I've not managed a weekend ride yet, but have got a couple of Audax events in mind (Tom, are you taking note?) for March and April.

500 miles may sound impressive , but its very flat riding from here to work. I need to try to get myself out on a weekend and go riding in the forest, that's Epping, not Hamsterly for you Geographically challenged.

I think I also need to get on sorting out what I am going to do about route planning. I think I am going to get myself a Garmin GPS device and route plan on that. It will save the weight of lots of maps and will also act as my computer for the ride etc - oh and its a gadget to play with.

Right- time to get ready and out for my morning commute. the earlier I set off the more miles I can get in and the more likely I can get a couple of laps of Hyde Park in- its beautiful early morning there- its worth the ride to see it- its one of London's treasure.

Oh and for those who have expressed concerns, I have amended my profile! I checked on my birth certificate and the profile was wrong

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