To The Ends of the Earth?

Well, if I can manage to do LEJoG, then you can do it too.

Get on your bike and do it, its a great experience and well worth doing.

Next summer anyone?

It Was Well earned
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Thursday, 22 January 2009

Is it scary for you?

The more I think about LEJoG, the more daunting it gets.

I keep thinking that I am going to have to average each day further than I have ever cycled in a day. That scares me. However, I am at least riding daily to and from work. Its a 25 mile round trip, but I have been averaging somewhere between 30 and 40 miles a day (weekdays only) so far this year. Sadly for me, the route I commute on is flat, so no practice for the hills. However, 40 miles a day at this time of year has got to be a good start and give me a basis to build up the distance as the days get longer.

The travel arrangements to and from the ride are starting to come together. I am going by train to Penzance, staying with a friend there and setting off the next morning from Lands End. My partner has managed to get some time off work, so is going to meet me at John O' Groats and is coming by car so I don't need to worry about ScotRail from Wick/ Thurso to Inverness. I have a few days off work after I complete the ride, so it will be nice to travel slowly back from JoG, hopefully visiting Edinburgh and the Northumberland Coast.

I keep thinking that I should really start to plan the route I am going to take, but every time I start to think about it, I just see hills in Devon & Cornwall and get distracted.

Never mind, this weekend to distract me from cycling, I am off to do my motorbike CBT. That should be fun as I have never ridden a motorbike before. Perhaps if I get to like riding a motorbike, I can do LEJoG on one of those, it would be easier on the legs.

The good news about planning this ride is that it gives me an incentive to lose some weight. I am motivated by the idea of having less weight to lug up those hills.

1 comment:

  1. Hey hello!!

    How times change eh? It wasn't that long ago since you were writing on my blog!

    I've got no doubt at all that you will do this, I know it must be scary thinking about those hills - getting up the hill into my village is enough to give me nightmares! - but you are just way too stubborn to even consider giving in!

    Get won't be long! (Not sure if that actually helps matters!)
